Storytelling is a great way of increasing engagement on your social media. But it doesn’t have to be all about telling stories about your life. That’s what Instagram Stories is about.

When I talk about storytelling I mean tell stories about your team, your products, why you do what you do.

People LOVE hearing stories and they tend to be less salesy and get more engagement than regular posts. They give you and your business a personality.

Here are some ideas to get you started…

👉 Why did you start doing what you do?

👉 Describe an event that had a big impact on your business.

👉 What’s the story behind one of your products/services? Why did you create it? To solve what ideal client problem?

👉 Who’s your team? Take a member a week for example and make it a feature.

👉 Tell a client case study. What was their problem and how did you solve it. You could even use a testimonial as the hook.

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