One of my downfalls, as well as not having patience (see yesterday’s posts), is that I have too many ideas.
The last two nights I’ve still been lying wide awake at 2am, just thinking about what I could do to build my business. How I can make tweaks, offer more to my clients and be more supportive.
There’s a shift in the air. Maybe it’s a full moon on the horizon, maybe it’s that life is changing significantly for us all. Again. Or maybe I’m just getting uncomfortable.
But when these times appear, I usually have a few nights of sleeplessness and anxiety, then amazing things come.
So watch out, y’all. Magic is about to happen.
And wish me luck with that sleep, yeah?!
Also, of you need any advice for sleeping, @live_differently_sleep is your lady…
Need some help getting your small business organised?
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